Posts by Band
Wedding season is here!
Wedding season is upon us. Because of this, we only have a few sporadic public performances through till about March as we are serenading many brides, grooms, bridesmaid’s, groomsman, drunk aunty’s, and proud parents at a wedding near you. Since you’re all more or less back at work this week and summer has completely evaded…
Read MoreWhoa its the festive season!
Well its that time of year again! After rocking all the way through the silly season its time for us to put our feet up, chill with friends, family and brace ourselves for the apocalyptic doom that 2012 is going to bring. To celebrate the pending year of the apocalypse we will be playing New…
Read MoreHappy Halloween & JJ Murphy’s debut
It’s that time of year folks. Next Friday we debut at JJ Murphy’s on Cuba st. Come party like its 1987, it will be mega. If your too tired afterwork on Friday and dancing just isn’t on the cards then you can see us on Saturday at Molly Malones for maximum party x20. Thank you…
Read MoreKitties for the RWC quarter final
Tomorrow night things are going to get crazy with the Ireland v Wales quarter final showdown at the stadium. For those not already aware, Courtney place is closed from 4am tomorrow morning until monday and there is going to be a giant screen showing the rugby to 25000+ people. That is TWICE AS MANY AS…
Read MoreBook us for your XMAS FUNCTION!
Yes, the silly season is nearly upon us! We are currently taking bookings for the xmas office party season so if you want a great party band that will get everybody dancing and partying like its 1979 then contact Blair on 0275014313 or He loves it when you call him and The Relatives love…
Read MoreBrand new glory shots!
Last weekend at Molly Malones we were fortunate to have Kier Draven along for the show. He took these: This is just a sample, check our gallery for more. Might see you at Molly Malones on saturday.
Read MoreThe inside word: Camp Relatives
Word has is we will be playing again soon! Clearly we are very excited because after the last month of relaxation, weekends just havent been quite the same. Playing to us is like one of those itches that constantly needs scratching but never actually goes away, so even though we have had a break from…
Read MoreSailing the seas of awesome
Holy crap after Monteiths Kapiti rocking it so hard we are struggling to keep our heads together. Its amazing how awesome a party with free beach balls, a free sufboard involving tonnes of Jagermeister directly after the breakers winning the championship can be. To all that stayed home and watched the Royal wedding: We hope…
Read MoreWebsite v2.0 & General update
Whats up team! So the last few months have been hectic. We have rocked Taupo, Wanganui, The Wairarapa as well as the usual haunts around Welllington and wait for it; Gear House – The original alien Spacecraft on Peter Jacksons splatter classic Bad Taste. Badass. (Simple things like that keep us very happy) Life has…
Read MoreThe Relatives on
Whoa thanks Kirsty! We got a mention on
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